
I Stand with the Unborn.

Our laws should be written to protect the most vulnerable among us. Not because it is politically popular, but because a good and decent society takes care of all life. During the 2021 legislative session, the New Mexico legislature passed a law that has the effect of allowing late-term abortions (SB 10, 2021).

Santa Fe politicians have shown their willingness to trade lives for votes. How far will we go? I believe ALL life was created with intrinsic value and is worthy of dignity, respect, and legal protection. Today, the law in New Mexico allows for silencing the civil rights of the unborn. With this precedent set, tomorrow may mean the silencing of the civil rights of others that are not in “power” in New Mexico. It is time to end the attack against those who do not have a voice. It is time to be their voice.

“I stand to give a voice to the most vulnerable and preserve the sanctity of life.