
I Stand with Oil & Gas.

It is no secret that the oil and gas industry accounts for over 35% (approximately $5.8 billion) of New Mexico’s annual operating budget. Additionally, the oil and gas industry provides more than 18,000 jobs in Lea County alone and contributes over $51 million to Lea County schools, annually. Ironically, the New Mexico Legislature consistently implements legislation to severely harm the oil and gas industry. I will be the voice for our oil and gas industry and the jobs it provides for our families. New Mexico is ready to lead the nation in its road to energy dominance.


I support the oil and gas industry and the hard-working men and women that drive the industry. I fully understand that New Mexico’s energy helps drive the Nation. I also know that the high- paying jobs of the oil and gas industry afford many New Mexicans the opportunity for an increased quality of life. It’s time for Santa Fe politicians to stop attacking its most lucrative industry. The way out of poverty for New Mexico is to ensure that we can compete for the best and brightest in all industries – NOT by villainizing a single industry and NOT by telling the hard-working people of that industry that they are unwelcome in New Mexico.

“I stand to work alongside New Mexico’s oil & gas businesses and workers – the hardest working people in the Nation.”