I Stand for Public Safety and with Veterans.

Fabian Sena, 1968-1971 (E5) United States Army

Fabian Sena, 1968-1971 (E5) United States Army

New Mexico must end its war on law enforcement. New Mexico continues to break homicide records and is consistently ranked as one of America’s most dangerous states. Yet, still, rather than blame the criminals, Santa Fe politicians have found it politically popular to blame law enforcement. Santa Fe have passed laws masked with the notion of protecting the civil rights of minority citizens (HB 4, 2021 passed, and SB 227, 2021 failed). However, these laws do nothing to improve law enforcement in New Mexico and only serve to financially benefit the litigants and their attorneys.

Rather than levy the cost of litigation to the taxpayers, it’s time for New Mexico to improve training opportunities for law enforcement and hold the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board accountable for meeting their legal obligations to local law enforcement agencies. New Mexico has been infiltrated by special interest groups who have served only to make New Mexico less safe. I wonder, would any of the politicians that have declared war on law enforcement dare to sleep with their front doors open at night? It is time to fight for those brave men and women that have willingly dedicated their lives to protecting us from those that would do us harm.

This trend of disrespect for those that uphold the rule of law is also beginning to spill over to disrespect for the men and women that serve our Nation. As the proud daughter of a strong Vietnam Veteran, I’ve gained tremendous insight into the disrespect these men and women experienced upon their return from Vietnam. When viewing the political climate of New Mexico today, I am concerned that we risk returning to that same shameful history of disrespect towards our veterans.

“I stand to fight for the brave men and women who willingly risk their lives for the safety and protection of complete strangers.”